This bike is in perfect
condition. Garage kept and has never been laid
over. This bike looks and runs like it just came
off the showroom floor. Black leather bags, driver and
passenger floor boards, heel-toe shifter, tach, digital
odometer with trip set, engine guards, chrome fender tips, and
factory windshield. STAGE ONE KIT!! It needs absolutely
nothing! The NADA book retail on this bike is around $10,400
(SEE BELOW). I can be reached for questions at
205-283-9794 or email klfelderhoff@bellsouth.net.
If you have not ridden a Victory you're in for a real treat.
They're powerful and comfortable and a well engineered
AMERICAN product!!!
3 YEAR Transferable warranty
good until June 2006!!!
I have the title so
selling will be easy.
I will be keeping chrome
state of Texas V-Twin cover. I will replace it with a
V-twin cover bracket. Click
here to see additional bracket details.